Saturday, October 10, 2009


It pass a year from my blog publication, I think is interesting to share with you the information about the visits I received and the web trafic grow in these time. Last I let you know an analisys with the goal of take some actions that bring me more web trafic to my site.

The main goal of this site, as I mention in the mision section, is to share information, experiences and make this space an interaction test in the blogosphere, generate web trafic and later I want to subscribe to an ads system that make money for me.


Here I show you some data about web trafic and visits along the past year, these are tools that the web hosting bring to me:

  • Diferent Visitors along the 2007

The graphic shows that the trafic doubles from month 5 to 9. This was the period where more post and interesting ones were published, the last one was the web 3.0 in the month 9.

Since that month there weren't more post until the last february in 2008.

  • Diferent visitors in 2008

In this graphic we note the web trafic recovery, It must be the increment in articles post.

  • Visits by country February/2008

This graphic is very important because show me that the english content has more web trafic that spanish content. My intention from the begining of this project was to build a multi-language site (Spanish/English) so I can reach more people, It's clear that It was the right decision, more work but It's worth doing!.

  • Top 10 phrases in search engines

Here is important to measure How the users come to my site? What content they want?. With this information I can write more specific post, more articles that my public want!. The type of content that people like more are: Time management and (blogging).


From the previous analisys I can deduce the following:

  • The visitors want that the content changes frecuently, they want new content!. More new content more visits!
  • The english content brings a lot of web trafic, I have to make more and more. This is the main strategy.
  • The content that people want is related with: time management, blogging, information society, web evolution. I will write more articles about that soon.
  • If I want to accelerate the visits I have to make more publicity for the blog, I have to make It know more, I have to interact more with "internet people", make my social network grow. I have to detect where are the people of my niche.

I hope this article will be interesting for you, I will keep posting about the evolution of my visits in my blog and the new tools I will introduce soon.

See you!.


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