Saturday, October 24, 2009
Facebook Trick #1 – Pirate English
With two simple clicks you can Translate Facebook into Pirate English for a good laugh.
To make the change while logged into Facebook simply go to the footer in the bottom left hand corner of the screen, click on English, and scroll to select “English (Pirate) – BETA”:
After making this change your Facebook will look something like this:
Instead of “Logout” the Pirate translation is “Abandon Ship.” Instead of “Share” the translation says “Divvy spoils t’ all ye mateys.” Yeaarr-harr-harr!
Facebook Trick #2 – The Konami Code
By entering these keys:
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start.
You activated the famous Konami code, which unlocks secret areas of many well known websites.
Entering the code in Facebook causes the Website to Enter Lens Flare Mode:
Try typing or pressing Enter for special effects. This isa cool trick, but gets annoying soon. Just re-enter the code to deactivate.
Labels: download facebook, facebook tips, TRICKS